Katholieken over geboorteregeling 1969
Desired number of children / attitude to birth-control, to overpopulation / social desirability scale / experience of sexual education: / which methods of birth-control are... -
Ongewenste zwangerschap 1970
Background data / motivations / sexual experience / data on the father. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ characteristics of... -
Sex in Nederland I 1968
P0067a: attitude towards sex / sexual behaviour and satisfaction / information on sex / experiences in youth / premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness / sexual freedom... -
Doktertje spelen 1982 : Seksualiteit en eerstejaars studenten
Attitudes, knowledge and experience concerning sexuality of first-year students in medicine, obstetrics and ergotherapy. Opinions, knowledge and experience concerning sexuality... -
Permanente registratie poliklinische abortus in Nederland 1975
Number of pregnancies / number of children / experience with abortion / birth-control / performance of operation / complications / birth-control advice. Background variables:... -
Effecten van voorlichting ter voorkoming van sexueel overdraagbare aandoening...
Evaluation of the influence of information in prevention of sexually transmittable diseases on knowledge and behaviour. several background variables / importance of God and... -
VU-student en sexualiteit 1977-1978
To collect information about behaviour, opinion and knowledge of VU-students' sexual life, and the influence of religion and religious education on feelings concerning... -
Open en bloot 1974
Evaluation of public reaction to one of a series tv programs on sexual education. Exposure to and opinions on tv-program about venereal diseases in a series called 'open en... -
Nieuwe leden van het COC 1970
Motivations for membership / psychological problems / preoccupations / social and sexual contacts / self-evaluation / leisure activities / relationship to parents /... -
Anticonceptie en gezinsvorming 1974
Information on previous pregnancies / talking with husband about family planning and anti-conception / types of anti-conception used / experiences with general practitioner... -
Jongeren en sexualiteit 1974
Contact with friends / relations with parents / leisure time / activities outdoors / drinking / parties / smoking / pattern of interest / relations with other sex / talking... -
Jeugd en seksualiteit 1974
Description of problems young people experience developing sexual interests and contacts in relations with each other and with their parents. Work or school aspects /... -
Arts en anti-conceptie 1967
General practitioner and contraception / data on patients / advice given by G.P. / course of consultation / kind of contraceptives used and preferred by patients. Background... -
Abortus 1971
Opinions on indications for abortion under present law, and under possible future alterations of the law / opinions on legislation / evaluation of physical and psychological... -
Sex in Nederland II 1981
Insight into attitudes and behaviour of adults and youth concerning several aspects of sexuality/ changes in attitudes during past 13 years by replication of same survey held in...