COMDID-A questionnaire for the self-assessment of teachers' digital competenc...
This document contains the different dimensions and indicators of the questionnaire COMDID-A in-service teachers, that measures their self-perceived teachers' digital... -
Wat scholieren bindt 1999-2000 : sociale gemeenschap in scholen
Survey among pupils of secondary schools concerning their social behaviour at school. Feelings of belonging to school / experiences with school as a community / importance of... -
Competencies to participate in life : measurement and the impact of the schoo...
Survey among students of 15 years old about how they perceive themselves in general, and their academic, social and civic competence in particular. Self perception of academic... -
Leerlingen, klassen, scholen 1999 : Aanvulling op het CBS-cohortenonderzoek V...
Additional survey VOCL'93 - Cohort Survey of Secondary School Pupils 1993 by the Central Bureau of Statistics -, in order to get insight in the extent to which differences in...