Project SWEAP: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations at the Southwest Ind...
Project SWEAP (Southwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Plumes), a collaborative effort led by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, installed a network of 10 broad-band ocean bottom... -
Shallow seismicity and the classification of structures in the Lau back-arc b...
We compared Centroid Moment Tensors (CMTs), calculated for large (Mw >5), shallow (<30 km) seismic events to the orientations of seafloor lineaments (n = 4000) mapped... -
Microseismicity in the period 06/2006-03/2007 in the region of the Kolumbo su...
This dataset includes earthuake location results from a seismological experiment including Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) and land stations on the Cycladic islands in the... -
Microseismicity in the period 06/2006-03/2007 in the region of the Kolumbo su...
This dataset includes earthquake location results from a seismological experiment including Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) and land stations on the Cycladic islands in the... -
Microearthquake Phase Picks at the Knipovich Ridge 75.5-77.5N from 2016-09 ti...
The dataset includes located earthquakes with origin time, location and magnitude and phase picks for P and S phases. The dataset consists of 11 months of seismicity data... -
Microearthquake catalogue at the Knipovich Ridge 75.5-77.5N from 2016-09 till...
The dataset includes located earthquakes with origin time, location and magnitude and pick information.The dataset consists of 11 months of seismicity data collected by 26 ocean... -
Microseismicity in the period 12/2018-01/2019 at the southern Fonualei Rift a...
We provide a catalog of microseismicity recorded during a 32-days long deployment of ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) at the southern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Lau... -
Long-term OBS deployment in the period 12/2014 - 10/2016 offshore northern Ch...
This dataset includes earthquake locations from a 23 months long Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) experiment conducted in response to the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake at the... -
Microseismicity in the period 06/2006-03/2007 in the region of the Kolumbo su...
This dataset includes earthquake location results from a seismological experiment including Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) and land stations on the Cycladic islands in the... -
Microseismicity in the period 12/2018-01/2019 at the southern Fonualei Rift a...
This dataset includes earthuake location results from a 32-days long Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) experiment conducted at the southern end of the Fonualei Rift and Spreading... -
Microseismicity in the period 12/2018-01/2019 at the southern Fonualei Rift a...
We provide a catalog of microseismicity recorded during a 32-days long deployment of ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) at the southern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Lau... -
Earthquake catalogues from a hydrothermal system near Istanbul derived with t...
The three datasets presented here are high-resolution catalogs containing origin time of seismic events for the same region and time range that have derived using AI-based... -
Supplement to: The 2010-2014 Pollino earthquake swarm: tectonic and transient...
Phase A: roessler_pollino_locations_gfzpublication20100101_20120527_0_90.png roessler_pollino_locations_gfzpublication20100101_20120527_movie.avi Map with the locations of... -
Homogenized regional seismicity catalogue for the Marmara region, northwester...
The dataset is an extended and updated version of the homogenized regional earthquake catalogue of the Marmara region, north-western Turkey, presented in Bohnhof et al. (2017)...