Seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection OBS data from profile P05 during...
The dataset contains ocean bottom hydrophone (OBH) data acquired along profile P05 during RV Sonne Expedition SO267 (project ARCHIMEDES) to the Lau Basin, Southwestern Pacific... -
2D multi-channel seismic data from SONNE cruise SO252 offshore Ritter Island,...
This 2D multi-channel seismic dataset was acquired during SONNE cruise SO252 offshore Ritter Island, Papua New Guinea in November/December 2016. The dataset contains 680 km of... -
Processed 2D multi-channel seismic data from SONNE cruise SO241 offshore Mexi...
This 2D multi-channel seismic data set was acquired during SONNE cruise SO241 offshore Mexico in the Guaymas Basin in June 2015. MCS data were collected using a Geometrics... -
Seismic refraction and wide-angle data surveying the continent-to-ocean trans...
In September of 2018, the Spanish research vessel Sarmiento de Gamboa shot the seismic profile FRAME-p03 across the continent-to-ocean transition zone in the Iberia Abyssal... -
Prestack depth migrated, multichannel seismic data, thickness maps and time-s...
In the Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic, multiple inversion events affected Central Europe's intracontinental sedimentary basins. We investigate the impact of these inversion events... -
Datasets of seismic shots measured on 2-layer epoxy-resin models at the ultra...
Data was acquired on the MUSC bench (Measurement at Ultrasonic SCale) at Université Gustave Eiffel (ex-IFSTTAR) in 2019 and 2020. Four two-layer models (C0, C25, C45, and C65)... -
Seismic data from western Sardinia shelf and coastal areas
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Seismic refraction and wide-angle data across Emperor Seamounts (Northwest Pa...
In May of 2019 the US American research vessel Marcus G. Langseth shot seismic profile p01 across the Emperor Seamounts in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Shots were recorded on 27... -
Seismic refraction and wide-angle segy-data from profile iLAB-SPARC (north), ...
Seismic refraction and wide-angle data were acquired in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean along the rougly north-south running iLAB-SPARC profile (IS-01) near 18°W. Here we provide... -
Leakage propensity prediction based well activity and seismic data in the Cen...
Source data of the North Sea well inventory: United Kingdom (UK) - Oil and Gas Authority (Dec. 2018) - https://data-ogauthority.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/oga-wells-ed50... -
Ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone seismic refraction and w...
During MSM69, in November and December of 2017, an 1100-km-long transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean aboard the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN. The profiles runs... -
2D multichannel seismic reflection data at TAG hydrothermal field during METE...
2D seismic profiling was acquired at TAG hydrothermal filed, Mid-Atlantic Ridge during cruise M127 of R/V METEOR. Data were acquired using a 192 channel streamer (group offset... -
Ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone seismic refraction and w...
In December 2017, the St. Paul fracture zone near 18°W was surveyed seismically during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM69. Fourteen ocean-bottom-seismometers and hydrophones sampled... -
Grain size data of sediment core PT9
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Grain size data of sediment core PT8
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Grain size data of sediment core PT6
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Grain size data of sediment core PT3 ter
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Grain size data of sediment core PS3 bis
This dataset has no description
Seismic and core sediment data from western Sardinia shelf and coastal areas
The dataset reports the position of available seismic profiles along the Sardinia island continental shelf (western Mediterranean). The dataset includes very high-resolution...