LAKS-monitor 2016-2020
De LAKS-monitor is het tweejaarlijkse tevredenheidsonderzoek onder scholieren in het voortgezet onderwijs dat het LAKS sinds 2010 laat uitvoeren, met financiering van het... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 2001 - NSO'01
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their life, work, income and consumption patterns. Living situation / pocket money /... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1996 - NSO'96
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1994 - NSO'94
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at home... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1999 - NSO'99
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their income, consumption patterns, and labour. Living conditions at school and at home... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1992 - NSO'92
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1984 - NSO'84
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
Nationaal Scholierenonderzoek 1990 - NSO'90
Survey among pupils of secondary schools with a great number of detailed questions about their living conditions, opinions, and attitudes. Living conditions at school and at... -
LAKS-monitor 2022
De LAKS-monitor is het tweejaarlijkse tevredenheidsonderzoek onder scholieren in het voortgezet onderwijs dat het LAKS sinds 2010 laat uitvoeren, met financiering van het...