Daily gridded Sea Level Anomalies from satellite altimetry using Spatio Tempo...
The datasets contain Sea Level Anomalies gridded using Spatial-Temporal Window (+/-5 days) Kriging in California and the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf in 2018 on a... -
TOEddies Global Mesoscale Eddy Atlas Colocated with Argo Float Profiles
This dataset contains mesoscale eddies from the Ocean Eddy Detection and Tracking Algorithms (TOEddies) Atlas colocated with Argo profiling floats. Applied to daily gridded maps... -
EOT-NECS Ocean Tide Model
EOT-NECS is a regional Empirical Ocean Tide model of the Northwest European Continental Shelf developed at DGFI-TUM. EOT-NECS is created using 16 altimetry missions from 1992 to... -
Daily sea level anomalies from satellite altimetry with Random Forest Regression
The sea level observations from satellite altimetry are characterised by a sparse spatial and temporal coverage. For this reason, along-track data are routinely interpolated... -
Error variance-covariance, trends, accelerations and uncertainties of regiona...
Satellite altimetry missions provide a quasi-global synoptic view of sea level over more than 25 years. The satellite altimetry constellation is used to build sea level maps and...