Probing the mechanism of thermoelectric enhancement in Kondo insulator YbB12 ...
We propose to study the evolution of the spectral features in the dynamical magnetic response in series Yb_{1-x}Tm_{x}B_{12} (x=0.15, 0.6, 0.8). Tm doping results in non-trivial... -
To measure full three-dimensional spin wave of BiFeO3 single crystal
Of all multiferroic materials, BiFeO3 stands out particularly with its both magnetic and ferroelectric transition temperatures above room temperatures, and more interestingly... -
Spin excitations in the superconducting FeTe0.6Se0.4
The FeTe1-xSex series exhibits superconductivity over a broad range of doping. Previously we have made extensive neutron scattering measurements on superconducting x = 0.49 and...