Datasets covering comparison of tablets versus paper-based tests for young ch...
Tablets can be used to facilitate systematic testing of academic skills. Yet, when using validated paper tests on tablet, comparability between the mediums must be established.... -
UCDP External Support Dataset
The UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program, contains information on a large number data on organised violence, armed violence, and peacemaking. There is information from 1946 up to... -
Svensk litteratur i rysk översättning 1946–2021: Prosafiktion, poesi och drama
The data material contains editions (in book form) of Swedish literature published in Russian translation on Russian (and Soviet) publishing houses between 1946–2021. The data... -
CAPTURE enkät om skapande och användning av arkeologisk data
An online survey targeted to individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly,...