On the hidden diversity and niche specialization of the microbial realm of su...
Subterranean estuaries (STEs) modulate the chemical composition of continental groundwater before it reaches the coast but their microbial community is poorly known. Here, we... -
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha microbiome raw sequence reads
Fecal microbiome sequence data from Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Dataset includes samples from juveniles reared in a laboratory on different diets, juveniles reared at a hatchery... -
Whole genome sequencing of CA Central Valley Chinook salmon
In this study, we use whole-genome sequence data to identify diagnostic SNPs for the development of CRISPR-based SHERLOCK assays capable of rapidly, accurately, and sensitively... -
High Resolution Analyses of Wildlife and Environmental Escherichia
WGS and metabarcoding analyses of wildlife and environmental Escherichia to investigate the impact of wildlife in water quality assessments -
Genetic diversity of Phoca vitulina mellonae using environmental DNA
Refining the distribution and the phylogenetic relationship of the endangered landlocked harbour seal Phoca vitulina mellonae using environmental DNA