Structure and stoichiometry in new nitride catalysts; anion mobility, chemica...
Our studies focus on the use of Co3Mo3N (331) as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis. During synthesis, N is lost and the compound is transformed to the new nitride Co6Mo6N (661); a... -
The Interaction of Ammonia with Binary and Ternary Deuterides;
The interaction of ammonia with binary hydrides (prototypically, the interaction of LiH with ammonia gas) is thought to be the predominant interaction for hydrogen production... -
The mechanism of Oxygen Absorption/Desorption in YBaCo4O7+d (Y114) studied by...
An uncommon oxygen absorption/desorption behavior for cobalt oxide YBaCo4O7+d was found[Karppinen et al. Chem Mater 18 2006 490]. Y114 absorbs and desorbs oxygen up to d = 1.5... -
Evolving structures of oxysulfide battery materials
This proposal aims to investigate the evolution of the structures of layered oxysulfide materials which show promise as lithium ion battery electrodes. The lithiation of... -
Network compression and pressure-induced amorphisation in Zn(CN)2
Zn(CN)2 is an important material because it shows isotropic NTE over a large temperature range and to an extent more than double that of ZrW2O8. This unusual behaviour...