Datensatz, Code/Syntax: Äquivalente Reziprozität oder Vorteilsuche?
In der Studie wird experimentell geprüft, in welchem Ausmaß in Situationen ohne soziale Kontrolle äquivalent reziprok geteilt wird. Dabei wird auch die Verwendung des Konzepts... -
HEUREC focus group discussion transcripts
Transcripts of focus group discussions in nine countries of the EURO zone (Finland, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain). In each... -
Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment Across...
We study reciprocity in the labor market context. To this end, we conducted a bilateral gift exchange experiment comparing behavior of subjects from five high-income OECD... -
“Thanks in Advance” - the Negative Effect of a Polite Phrase on Compliance wi...
This paper studies the effect of the commonly used phrase "thanks in advance" on compliance with a small request. In a controlled laboratory experiment we ask participants to... -
Mitigating Extortive Corruption? Experimental Evidence
Extortive petty corruption takes place when a public official elicits small bribes from citizens for providing public services that the citizens are legally entitled to receive.... -
Does Participation Increase Outcome Acceptance? Evidence from a Power-to-take...
It is often conjectured that participatory decision making may increase acceptance, especially of unfavorable decisions. The present paper tests this conjecture in a... -
Sense of community Commitment, interactive learning, and reciprocity within ...
The purpose of the dataset was to measure the sense of community in blended and online learning communities. A survey was used to measure the sense of community amongst students...