Climate Indicators: Total Precipitation in Rainy Season (rtotrs)
cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Rtotrs sum up RRt for... -
Rainy Season Characterisitics (rs)
Rainy season: The onset is set as the cumulative minimum of daily precipitation anomalies over a year, the cessation is defined by the cumulative maximum. If a grid point is... -
Rainy Days in Rainy Season (rdrs)
cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of rainy days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rdrs count all days in one year where RRt ≥... -
Climate Indicators: Consecutive Wet Days in Rainy Season (cwdrs)
cdo -eca_cwd RRmask.nc out.nc Duration of wet period in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Cwdrs count the largest number of consecutive days... -
Total Precipitation in Rainy Season (rtotrs)
cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rtotrs sum up RRt for... -
Extremely Wet Days in Rainy Season (r99prs)
cdo -yearpctl,99 RRmask.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For r99prs list all RRt... -
LANDSURF - Climate Indices for Africa
The dataset contains a wide range of climatological and agrometeorological indices of Africa for 1981-2100. The index calculation is based on global and regional climate models... -
Consecutive Wet Days in Rainy Season (cwdrs)
cdo -eca_cwd RRmask.nc out.nc Duration of wet period in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For cwdrs count the largest number of consecutive days... -
Landsurf _DSS_Data
The dataset contains a wide range of climatological, agrometeorological, and remote sensing indices of West Africa for 1981-2100. The climatological and agrometeorlogical index... -
Dry Days in Rainy Season (ddrs)
cdo -yearsum -ltc,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of dry days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For ddrs count all days in one year where RRt <... -
Climate Indicators: Consecutive Dry Days in Rainy Season (cddrs)
cdo -eca_cdd RRmask.nc out.nc Duration of dry period in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Cddrs count the largest number of consecutive days... -
Climate Indicators: Rainy Days in Rainy Season (rdrs)
cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of rainy days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Rdrs count all days in one year where RRt ≥... -
Climate Indicators: Second Rainy Season (rs2)
Rainy season: The onset is set as the cumulative minimum of daily precipitation anomalies over a year, the cessation is defined by the cumulative maximum. If a grid point is... -
Consecutive Dry Days in Rainy Season (cddrs)
cdo -eca_cdd RRmask.nc out.nc Duration of dry period in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For cddrs count the largest number of consecutive days... -
Climate Indicators: Dry Days in Rainy Season (ddrs)
cdo -yearsum -ltc,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of dry days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Ddrs count all days in one year where RRt <... -
Climate Indicators: Extremely Wet Days in Rainy Season (r99prs)
cdo -yearpctl,99 RRmask.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For R99prs list all RRt... -
Climate Indicators: First Rainy Season (rs1)
Rainy season: The onset is set as the cumulative minimum of daily precipitation anomalies over a year, the cessation is defined by the cumulative maximum. If a grid point is...