Susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia, dispositional optimism, and trait anxi...
Experimental behavioural data collected from healthy female participants age 18-35. -
Replication Data for: Closure Law Model Uncertainty Quantification
The prediction uncertainty in simulators for industrial processes is due to uncertainties in the input variables and uncertainties in specification of the models, in particular... -
EOP predictions collected during the operational phase of the Second Earth Or...
This dataset contains predictions of Earth orientation parameters (EOP) submitted during the Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC).... -
Dataset of predicted daily nutrient concentrations for NO3-N and TP for 150 m...
The main component of this data publication is a dataset of predicted daily nutrient concentrations for NO3-N and TP for 150 monitoring stations along 60 German rivers (main... -
Muonium Defect Levels in 4H Silicon Carbide
We propose to obtain the temperature dependence of the diamagnetic spin-precession amplitudes up to 1100 K for the three electrical types of 4H-SiC in order to extract the Mu... -
Lifetime Cost of Living and Effective Prices: Theory and Evidence for Germany...
The files include two datasets and a readme-file