Migration in journalistic reporting, 2020
Raziskava preučuje pojavnost in reprodukcijo populističnega ter afektivnega komuniciranja v interpretativnem žanru časopisnega komentarja dveh izbranih dnevnih časopisov, Dela... -
UNDPOLAR survey on threats, identities, and political polarization
This survey in nine European countries was intended to investigate the relations between threats, identities, and political polarisation. Data was collected using online... -
"The Staging of the Brexit rhetoric inside the European Parliament. The case ...
Supplementary Data for an article on "the Staging of the Brexit rhetoric inside the European Parliament. The case of Nigel Farage". It has been accepted for publication and is... -
Expert Judgement Survey of European Political Parties 2010
The Expert Judgement Survey for European Political Parties is a data set consisting of scores of various characteristics of political parties given by political scientists and... -
Belgian National Election Study 2014
Similar to the previous General Election Studies, the 2014 General Election Study Belgium (seventh study) or the Belgian National Election Study (BNES 2014) focuses on general... -
More than the Radical Right Gender Gap? How masculine feelings of group threa...
While the radical right gender gap – men are more likely to vote for far-right parties than women – has been a well-documented phenomenon, gender perspectives have... -
The rise of right-wing populism: a test of three hypotheses about voter suppo...
In dieser Präsentation werden Analysen von Daten der deutschlandweiten repräsentativen Umfrage „Menschen in Deutschland“ zu der Frage vorgestellt,...