A-G star metallicity
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is an ongoing project to identify and analyse a large sample of hot stars selected initially on the basis of photographic colours (down to... -
Lithium study with GC NGC 6752
This paper presents a chemical abundance analysis of 217 stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6752, distributed from the turn-off to the lower red giant branch. Al and... -
Evolutionary models of Population II stars
The models are calculated for different chemical compositions both without overshooting (standard models, including microscopic diffusion of He and heavy elements) and with... -
COMBS Survey. Metal-poor bulge stars
The metal-poor stars in the bulge are important relics of the Milky Way's formation history, as simulations predict that they are some of the oldest stars in the Galaxy. In... -
The Pristine survey XI: the FORS2 sample
Extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are old objects that mostly formed very early after the big bang. They are rare and, to select them, we have to rely on low-resolution... -
The Pristine survey. IX.
A chemo-dynamical analysis of 115 metal-poor candidate stars selected from the narrow-band Pristine photometric survey is presented based on CFHT high-resolution ESPaDOnS... -
Extremely metal-poor stars in SkyMapper DR1.1
We present and discuss the results of a search for extremely metal-poor stars based on photometry from data release DR1.1 of the SkyMapper imaging survey of the southern sky. In... -
COMBS survey. Galactic Bulge metal-poor stars
Chemistry and kinematic studies can determine the origins of stellar population across the Milky Way. The metallicity distribution function of the bulge indicates that it... -
A bright star sample observed with SOPHIE
With the aim of probing the properties of the bright end of the Pristine survey and its effectiveness in selecting metal-poor stars, we selected a sample of bright candidate... -
Spectroscopy of extremely metal-poor stars
We present results from the analysis of high-resolution spectra obtained with the Keck HIRES spectrograph for a sample of 17 candidate extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars... -
EMBLA survey. Galactic bulge metal-poor stars
Cosmological models predict the oldest stars in the Galaxy should be found closest to the centre of the potential well, in the bulge. The Extremely Metal-poor BuLge stars with... -
Li abundance of giants in 3 globular clusters
The presence of multiple populations in globular clusters has been well established thanks to high-resolution spectroscopy. It is widely accepted that distinct populations are a... -
Short-period variables near Galactic Centre
We report the result of our near-infrared survey of short-period variable stars (P<60d) in a field of view of 20'x30' towards the Galactic Centre (GC). Forty-five variables... -
Radial velocities of red giants in {omega} Cen
We present the results of a survey of radial velocities over a wide region extending from r~=10 out to 80' (~1.5 tidal radii) within the massive star cluster omega Centauri... -
Catalogue of RR Lyrae from NSVS
A search for RR Lyrae stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey. Candidates have been selected by the statistical properties... -
Radial velocities of Pop. II stars
The Population II radial velocity measurement programme was carried out in 1988-1993. Metal-deficient stars, components of Population II visual binaries or common proper motion... -
Classification of Population II stars
The astrophysical parameters compiled from literature for 809 stars of different types, mainly Population II stars, are presented. The results of classification in the Vilnius... -
Kinematics of Galactic old population
A catalog is presented of some 1200 Galactic objects which have radial velocities and abundances [Fe/H]<=-0.6. These data have been analyzed to yield information on the... -
Extended Aperture Photometry of K2 RR Lyrae stars
The Kepler Space Telescope observed thousands of RR Lyrae stars in the K2 mission. In this paper, we present our photometric solutions using extended apertures in order to... -
Rare earth abundances
We have derived new abundances of the rare earth elements Pr, Dy, Tm, Yb, and Lu for the solar photosphere and for five very metal-poor, neutron-capture r-process-rich giant...