Lokale democratie en bestuurlijke vernieuwing 1991
Search to explain the low voting participation in municipal elections. Duration of residence in community / location of friends and relatives / political participation with... -
Confessional and electoral alignments in the Netherlands, 1962-1992 ( NIPO we...
Voting behaviour / vote recall / religious denomination / left-right scaling / party adherence / additional file: aggregated data on municipality level. Background variables:... -
Politieke democratie en welzijn 1974-1977
Effects of democratic quality of a state on welfare policy and level, controlling for level of economic development. Political indicators, a.o freedom of press, freedom of group... -
Verkiezingsonderzoek 1970-1973
Attitude towards politics in mass-media / political interest / sense of political efficacy / political cynicism / advantages and disadvantages of political parties / position...