Routes to turbulence in Taylor–Couette flow
Fluid flows between rotating concentric cylinders exhibit two distinct routes to turbulence. In flows dominated by inner-cylinder rotation, a sequence of linear instabilities... -
SUPPLEMENTARY DATA: Pressure and shear flow singularities: fluid splitting an...
This data set contains supplementary image data for the following paper: Pressure and shear flow singularities: fluid splitting and printing nip hydrodynamics. Matthias Elia... -
Python code: Classification of in situ high speed videos of the gravure print...
The files that are made available here are all the key components that are needed to recreate the automated classification of high speed videos of the gravure printing fluid... -
Collection of digitized gravure printed samples for the analysis of hydrodyna...
This dataset consists of 3840 gravure printed, high-resolution digitized images of size 11 x 11 mm (1040 x 1040 px) in tif-format. The dataset can be used for the analysis of... -
FilmcalcX liquid film stability analysis
FimCalcX is a MS-Excel-based calculation sheet for stability analysis of thin liquid films of a two-component mixture or solution, one of which is evaporating into the gas... -
Data publication: Temperature-induced surface faceting of M-plane Al₂O₃: An i...
-- raw data of GISAXS experiment -- AFM data -- GISAXS simulation files