A historical land use data set for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2 (replaced)
-This dataset is replaced by a new version, see below.- Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or... -
A historical land use data set for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2 (version 2, replaced)
-This dataset is replaced by a new version, see below.- Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or... -
Anthropogenic land-use estimates for the Holocene; HYDE 3.2
Land use plays an important role in the climate system (Feddema et al., 2005). Many ecosystem processes are directly or indirectly climate driven, and together with human driven... -
Biogeochemische und biogeophysikalische Effekte von Landnutzungsänderungen
Seit Jahrtausenden verändert der Mensch nicht nur seine unmittelbare Umwelt, sondern beeinflusst vor allem durch die Umwandlung von Wald in Acker- und Weideland auch das...