Lapsesta aikuiseksi: 42-vuotiaiden elämänhistorian kalenteri 2001
Elämänhistorian kalenteri on osa Lapsesta aikuiseksi -tutkimusta, joka on jatkunut samojen henkilöiden seurantana yli 30 vuotta. Tässä tutkimusvaiheessa tietoa kerättiin... -
Family Barometer 2010: Family Policy
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten mielipiteitä ja asenteita perhepolitiikasta. Kysymykset käsittelivät lapsiperheiden etuuksia, verotusta, vanhemmuutta ja sukupuolirooleja... -
Perhebarometri 2014: perhepolitiikka kriisin aikana
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten mielipiteitä ja toiveita perhepolitiikasta. Kysymykset käsittelivät lapsiperheiden etuuksia, lastenhankintaa, lastenhoitoa, vanhemmuutta,... -
Gender Equality Barometer 2017
Tasa-arvobarometri 2017 mittaa sukupuolten tasa-arvoon liittyviä asenteita, mielipiteitä ja kokemuksia elämän eri osa-alueilla sekä niiden kehittymistä Suomessa.... -
Choices in childcare 1993 : The distribution of child care among mothers, fa...
Distribution of childcare among mothers, fathers and non-parental providers in households with pre-school children. Composition of household / employment of parents before and... -
Parents between work and family
Purpose of the study was to contribute to understanding of the relation between parenthood and paid work in Slovenia. Its goals were: to gain the newest data concerning use of... -
Kvinnor i Sverige 1981 - om familj och arbetsliv
This investigation on Swedish women aged 20-45 years shed light on their views on family and working life. The questions are divided into nine parts: Background describe marital... -
Serviceundersökningen: Barnomsorg i fem typkommuner 1993
This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge,... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 1999
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 2003
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
ISSP 2012 - Åsikter om familjeliv och arbete
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2012 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the fourth time an ISSP-survey is focusing on Family, Work and Gender Roles.... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of... -
Kvinnor i Sverige 1981 - om familj och arbetsliv
This investigation on Swedish women aged 20-45 years shed light on their views on family and working life. The questions are divided into nine parts: Background describe marital... -
Serviceundersökningen: Barnomsorg i fem typkommuner 1993
This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge,... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 1999
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv 2003
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of... -
Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv - Panel 1999-2003, ...
The project 'Family and Working Life in Sweden' (YAPS) started in 1998. The aim of the project was to build up a longitudinal data base for studies of the mutual connection of...