Investigation of magnetic orderings in multiferroic PbFe12O19
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on a powder sample of a multiferroic hexaferrite PbFe12O19. A recent paper has reported room temperature multiferroic... -
Magnetoelastic coupling effect on multiferroic behaviors in different types o...
We propose to perform high resolution neutron diffraction on powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets Ag1-xCuxFe1-yGayO2 using HRPD. CuFe1-yGayO2 and AgFeO2 have... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex...