Storage media and not extraction method has the biggest impact on recovery of...
Next Generation sequencing has greatly progressed the exploration of the oral microbiome’s role in dental diseases, however, there has been little focus on the effect of sample... -
Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) Raw sequence reads
Sea otters are an endangered keystone species in coastal ecosystems for which relatively little is known about their indigenous microbiota. The microbiota of animals is relevant... -
Sequencing ancient calcified dental plaque shows changes in oral microbiota w...
The importance of commensal microbes for human health is increasingly recognized, yet the impacts of evolutionary changes in human diet and culture on commensal microbiota... -
Bacterial profile of dentine caries and the impact of pH on bacterial populat...
Dental caries is caused by the release of organic acids from fermentative bacteria, which results in the dissolution of hydroxyapatite matrices of enamel and dentine. While low... -
Oral and Cloacal Microbiome of wild sea turtles
Bacteria associated with the oral cavity and cloaca of Kemp's ridley and green sea turtles from Gulf of Mexico (Florida). Illumina sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene. -
This study will characterize the role of human-associated bacteria in health and disease from a sample set collected in Fiji. The study seeks to find out how people share benign... -
The oral mycobiome of children with and without dental caries
Children’s oral health is in a dire state, with dental decay (caries) being one of the most common chronic diseases. While the pivotal role of bacteria in the oral microbiome... -
Placenta biopsies, saliva samples, vaginal and rectal swabs collected at deli...
Placenta biopsies (16S), and saliva samples, vaginal and rectal swabs (shotgun) collected at delivery for 76 women delivering at term, 50 by planned C-section and 26 vaginally.... -
Analysis of the characteristics of childhood caries based on oral microbiota ...
This study was a cross-sectional observational clinical study. Unstimulated saliva and supragingivial plaque samples were collected from 127 children with dental caries, and... -
Daycare studies of bacterial metagenome on soil, skin and stool
Soil bacterial metagenome of daycare centres, and stool and skin bacterial metagenome of daycare children -
Environmental and Biological samples Metagenome
Massively parallel high throughput sequencing technology to extract hyper variable region using NGS short read platform -
One plate of samples was extracted using several different extraction tools (new, faster) for comparison with the existing pipeline -
Oral and cloacal microbiome of cold-stunned Kemp's ridley turtles
Bacteria associated with the oral cavity and cloaca of cold-stunned Kemp's ridley turtles during rehabilitation. Illumina sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene.