Sympathetic Stimulation Can Compensate for Hypocalcaemia-Induced Bradycardia ...
This experiment simulates the extended sinoatrial node cell models of Severi et al. (2012) and Fabbri et al. (2017) with several [Ca2+]o and [ISO]. The extension of the... -
The Right Atrium Affects In Silico Arrhythmia Vulnerability in Both Atria
This is an example to run the PEERP (Pacing at the End of the Refractory Period, Luca Azzolin et al., https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.656411) protocol using a monoatrial left... -
In Silico Characterization of the Sinoatrial Node (v2.0)
In silico experiments to study the sinoatrial node characteristics. The experiment script is able to modify several electrophysiological parameters using as an input a vtk file. -
In Silico Characterization of the Sinoatrial Node (v1.0)
In silico experiments to study the sinoatrial node characteristics. The experiment script is able to modify several electrophysiological parameters using as an input a vtk file. -
Example of reentry induction in a 2D idealized infarct model (v1.0)
This is an idealized 2D cardiac infarct model designed with the purpose of replicating the setup used in our study entitled "An automated near-real time computational method for... -
Single human myocyte simulations of KCNQ1 mutants (v1.0)
Single cell simulations of KCNQ1 mutants using human myocyte models. Use external/runAll.py to launch all simulations.