Åbo Akademi University's Humanities Researchers and Open Access Publishing 2020
Aineistolla kartoitetaan Åbo Akademin humanististen tieteiden, psykologian ja teologian tiedekunnan tutkijoiden asenteita ja kokemuksia open access -julkaisemiseen liittyen.... -
Open Science and Research Coordination Self-Assessment 2018-2021: Interviews ...
Aineisto koostuu Avoimen tieteen ja tutkimuksen koordinaation (AVOTT) sihteeristön toteuttaman itsearvioinnin yhteydessä kerättyjen laadullisten haastattelujen litteraatioista.... -
MAGGOT : Metadata Management Tool for Data Storage Spaces
Sharing descriptive Metadata is the first essential step towards Open Scientific Data. With this in mind, Maggot was specifically designed to annotate datasets by creating a... -
Data Discovery and Reuse Practices in Research
This dataset presents the results from a global survey designed to investigate how individuals involved in research discover and reuse secondary data. The data consist of 1677... -
Dissertations and Data
We present the results of a quantitative assessment of research data produced and submitted with dissertations Special attention is paid to the size of the research data in... -
DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 DZHW Scientists Survey 2019
Die DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 ist eine Onlinebefragung des hauptberuflichen wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Personals an deutschen Universitäten, pädagogischen,... -
Enquête "Capital Données" réalisée en 2019 par QualiNous du département ACT ...
Cette enquête avait pour objectif de recenser un certain nombre de jeux de données pour commencer à caractériser les données produites et utiliser dans les unités du... -
Presentation for the IFSH Research Colloquium on Research Data Management
Presentation held at the Research Colloquium of the IFSH about Open Science and the services of the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management. -
C++ & Python API for Scientific I/O with openPMD
openPMD is an open metadata format for open data workflows in open science. This library provides a common high-level API for openPMD writing and reading. It provides a common... -
Motive, Anreize und Einflussfaktoren für Open-Science-Praktiken unter Open-Sc...
Im Zuge der wissenschaftspolitischen Agenda zur verstärkten Etablierung von Open-Science-Ansätzen in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden Preise und Auszeichnungen für dieses... -
TOAR Data Infrastructure
The tropospheric ozone assessment report, TOAR, aims to provide the research community with an up-to-date scientific assessment of tropospheric ozone’s global distribution and... -
DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 DZHW Scientists Survey 2019
Die DZHW-Wissenschaftsbefragung 2019 ist eine Onlinebefragung des hauptberuflichen wissenschaftlich-künstlerischen Personals an deutschen Universitäten, pädagogischen,... -
Replication data for: A game theoretic analysis of research data sharing Mod...
The R-scripts and data in this study can be used to reproduce figures in the associated paper, which is based on a simulation of a scientific community. Model description: We... -
DeepIso - a global open database of stable isotope ratios and elemental conte...
The use of stable isotopes as ecological tracers in deep-sea ecosystems has a long history, dating back to the late 1970’s. Stable isotopes have been instrumental to many... -
Open Science Festival 2021 - session FAIR & Open Data - from finish to start ...
The Open Science Festival provides researchers the opportunity to learn about the benefits of various Open Science practices. The 2021 edition was held online in February 2021.... -
Open Scholarship Week 2021 - session FAIR and Open Data Workshop - from finis...
The Open Scholarship Week provides researchers the opportunity to learn about the benefits of various Open Science practices and is co-organised by the Open Scholarship...