Surface brightness temperature images measured by an infrared camera installe...
During the Polarstern cruise PS131 infrared (IR) brightness temperatures of the surface (open ocean and sea ice) were recorded from onboard the vessel with a down-looking... -
Historical and projected (RCP4.5, RCP8.5) temperatures simulated with the AWI...
This dataset contains the results of global climate model simulations (AWI-ESM coupled with an interactive ice sheet model (PISM)). Historical (1850-2014) and the representative... -
Miocene ocean temperatures (TEX86-L) of the ANDRILL-2A record, Ross Sea, Anta...
Early and mid-Miocene sea surface ocean temperatures in the sediment record of ANDRILL (ANtarctic DRILLing Project) AND-2A, Ross Sea (Antarctica), were obtained through analyses... -
Ocean temperature and salinity, sea level pressure and sea ice drift from Dri...
A modified Pacific Gyre SVP Drifter with a 400 m long tether and a bottom weight was deployed during Polarstern expedition PS118 (9 February - 10 April 2019) on the western... -
CTD-data för salt och temperatur i Kattegat under 2005 och 2006
In 2005 and 2006, planktonic egg surveys were conducted in February and March during the peak spawning period for Kattegat cod. The total survey period encompassed five weeks... -
An underwater temperature dataset from coastal islands in Santa Catarina, sou...
This dataset contains underwater temperature (°C) data from seven islands and two submerged rocky reefs along the Santa Catarina coast, southern Brazil, between 26°22’ S and...