Deep Sea Sponge Microbiome Project - Main dataset
This dataset was collected during 21 deep-sea expeditions. It includes amplicon raw sequence reads (V3V4 region 16S rRNA gene survey) of seawater, sediment, and deep-sea... -
Caspian Sea Sediment - 16S Survey Targeted Locus (Loci)
The Caspian Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world due to industrial and agricultural effluents as well as extraction of oil and gas reserves. Microbial communities... -
Vazella pourtalesii Deep Sea Sponge Microbiome
This dataset was collected during the expeditions 'Hudson2016-019', and 'MLB2017001' of the Canadian Coast Guard Ships (CCGS) Hudson and Martha L. Black in 2016 and 2017. It... -
Amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA of bacterial communities from deep-sea surfac...
In a multidisciplinary ex situ experiment, benthic bacterial deep-sea communities from 2,500 m water depth at the Long-Term Ecological Research Observatory HAUSGARTEN... -
Bacterial enrichments established from a sediment sample from the Gulf of Mex...
The objective was to obtain crude oil degrading microbial consortia from a sediment sample collected at station B7 in the Gulf of Mexico. The composition of the microbial...