Sentinel-3 OLCI daily averaged earth observation data of water constituents
Sentinel-3 OLCI images processed with the Atmospheric Correction for Optical Water Types, A4O [Hieronymi et al. in prep & 2023], and the water algorithm OLCI Neural Network... -
IceCloudNet: 3D reconstruction of cloud ice from Meteosat SEVIRI - data
IceCloudNet is a novel method based on machine learning able to obtain high- quality vertically resolved predictions for ice water content and ice crystal... -
Climate data for adaptation and vulnerability assessments — southwest
Climate data for adaptation and vulnerability assessments — southwest (ClimAVA-SW) provides bias-corrected, downscaled daily climatic data at ~4km spatial resolution from 17... -
Classification of gravure printed patterns using singular value decomposition...
This dataset contains MATLAB code ('code_MachLearn_ImgClass.zip') for automated classification of gravure printed patterns from the HYPA-p dataset. The developed algorithm... -
Spectral operator representations
Materials are often represented in machine learning applications by (chemical-)geometric descriptions of their atomic structure. In this work, we propose an alternative... -
The MSC Data Set
From this page you can download resources we created for modal sense classification as reported in Zhou et al. (2015), Marasović et al. (2016) and Marasović and Frank (2015)... -
Adaptive energy reference for machine-learning models of the electronic densi...
The electronic density of states (DOS) provides information regarding the distribution of electronic energy levels in a material, and can be used to approximate its optical and... -
Detailed tree inventory and area coverage of remote mangrove forests (species...
This dataset contains detailed inventories of 7 large plots of mangrove forests in the Utría National Park in the Colombian Pacific Coast. The inventory consists of individual... -
Dense and taxonomically detailed habitat maps of coral reef benthos machine-g...
This dataset contains 248 benthic habitat maps, that were created from 31 underwater hyperspectral images captured with the HyperDiver device in 8 reef sites across the western... -
Daily summary of weather, snow, and preferential-flow conditions at the Snow ...
This dataset includes daily summaries of weather, snow, and preferential-flow conditions at the Snow and Ice Research Center, Nagaoka (Japan) -- snow seasons 2006 through... -
Electronic excited states from physically-constrained machine learning
Data-driven techniques are increasingly used to replace electronic-structure calculations of matter. In this context, a relevant question is whether machine learning (ML) should... -
Mapping tick dynamics and tick bite risk using data-driven approaches and vol...
This deposit contains the materials used during the development of this PhD thesis. During this research, we applied machine learning methods to obtain new insights about tick... -
Orthography-based dating and localisation of Middle Dutch charters
In this study we build models for the localisation and dating of Middle Dutch charters. First, we extract character trigrams and use these to train a machine learner (K Nearest... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
MLAir (v1.0.0) - a tool to enable fast and flexible machine learning on air d...
MLAir (Machine Learning on Air data) is an environment that simplifies and accelerates the creation of new machine learning (ML) models for the analysis and forecasting of... -
Sample data file with TOAR air quality data for machine learning excercise
This file has been obtained from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report database described by Schultz, M.G. et al., Elementa Sci. Anthrop., 2017,... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural...
This record contains all experiment data for the manuskript "Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural networks for near-surface dma8eu ozone... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung...