PAN-00066944 - coin/coin-related, (anoniem), (loden penning ; armenpenning ?)
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00066944 Modified: 2020-12-07T15:36:12+01:00 -
PAN-00066946 - coin/coin-related, (anoniem ; Dokkum ??), (loden penning ; arm...
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00066946 Modified: 2020-12-07T15:35:43+01:00 -
PAN-00066964 - coin/coin-related, (anoniem), (loden penning ; armenpenning ?)
This find is registered at Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands with number PAN-00066964 Modified: 2020-12-07T15:35:14+01:00