cops_suph_wvdial: Profiles of absolute humidity and backscatter signals at 82...
The files contain vertical profiles of absolute humidity and backscatter signals at 820 nm measured with the Water Vapor Differential Absorption Lidar of University of Hohenheim... -
cops_suph_rlidar: Profiles of temperature and particle backscatter coefficien...
The files contain vertical profiles of temperature and particle backscatter coefficient at 355 nm measured with the Rotational Raman Lidar of University of Hohenheim (UHOH RRL)... -
cops_suph_dlidar: lidar data of 2mu Doppler Lidar run by FZK/IMK-TRO during C...
Lidar data of 2mu Doppler Lidar run by FZK/IMK-TRO at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde. The windtracer is a commercial Doppler Lidar from LMCT. It can be operated... -
cops_suph_cradar: data of 35 GHz cloud radar run by FZK-IMK during COPS 2007
Profiles of the 35 GHz cloud radar MIRA36-S at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde. Containing reflectivity, radial Doppler velocity, spectral width and LDR (linear... -
First systematic meteorological observations of the Americas (Recife, 1640-16...
Daily systematic meteorological observations made by George Marcgrave in Recife from 1640 to 1642 have been retrieved. These observations were published in 1658 by Piso in “De... -
Dataset: "Decoding the Relationship Between Cloud Electrification, Downdrafts...
The dataset used to generate plots for the manuscript "Decoding the Relationship Between Cloud Electrification, Downdrafts, and Surface Ozone in the Amazon Basin." It contains... -
Global fraction of lightning fires and burned area from lightning
This dataset contains the global fraction of lightning fires and burned area from lightning, and associated uncertainties, at 0.5 degree resolution. The dataset is... -
D20160712T173455.100Z LOFAR lightning flash Data used in "LOFAR for Lightnin...
This is some processed lightning data collected by the LOFAR radio telescope. This data is being published in "LOFAR for Lightning Imaging" by Hare et. al. The data can be read...