Vegetation survey of plant species richness and cover in managed grasslands o...
Vegetation relevés were carried out at five of the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) project (www.tereno.net) sites were mown or grazed grasslands were available.... -
Future land system scenarios for the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean region faces significant challenges to supply its growing population with food and living space. The region’s potential to do so in the future is even more... -
Mediterranean Land Systems Spatial Distribution
In the Mediterranean region, land systems have been shaped gradually through centuries. They provide services to a large and growing population in a region that is among the... -
A spatially explicit representation of conservation agriculture for applicati...
Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted as a sustainable agricultural management strategy and proposed to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation through... -
Wirtschaftliche und soziale Folgen der Desertifikation
Desertifikation wird beeinflusst durch Klimaschwankungen, Wasserverfügbarkeit, Bodenverluste sowie menschliche Aktivitäten wie Landbewirtschaftung, Entwaldung,...