Seawater carbonate chemistry and Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua tissue damage dur...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used to compute a complete and consistent... -
Insights into the microbiota of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) with tenacib...
Outbreaks of diseases in farmed fish remain a recurring problem, despite the development of vaccines and improved hygiene standards on aquaculture farms. One commonly observed... -
Optimized protocol for the multi-omics processing of cryopreserved human kidn...
Abstract: Biobanking of tissue from clinically obtained kidney biopsies for later use with multi-omic and imaging techniques is an inevitable step to overcome the need of... -
Replication Data for: Multiple signal classification as a blind reconstructio...
The dataset contains replication data for the research paper "Multiple signal classification as a blind reconstruction approach for three-dimensional structured illumination... -
Data from Uniaxial Compression testing and validation scripts for Cauchy stre...
Anatomically realistic organ replicas or phantoms allow for accurate studies and reproducible research. To recreate a human kidney, mimicry of the viscoelastic properties of the... -
Data from Uniaxial Compression testing and validation scripts for Cauchy stre...
Anatomically realistic organ replicas or phantoms allow for accurate studies and reproducible research. To recreate a human kidney, mimicry of the viscoelastic properties of the... -
Pro-cachectic factors link experimental and human chronic kidney disease to s...
Skeletal muscle wasting is commonly associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD), resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. However, the link between kidney and muscle...