Muon charactersiation of dielectric insulation system under applied electric ...
We plan to measure the electric field distribution in epoxy resin based dielectrics close to breakdown using muons to detect the free charge carriers that may contribute to... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These... -
Investigating the ALCs of organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductors under elect...
The push globally for greener energy supplies has led to the discovery of new solar cell materials, which consist of an organic molecule surrounded by eight PbX5 octahedras... -
Spin glass behaviour in the disorder-free geometrically frustrated magnet Yb2...
Our susceptibility studies of the frustrated magnet Yb2Sn2O7 has revealed a spin glass transition of the Yb3+ magnetic lattice at T_g = 140 mK. To our knowledge, this... -
In-situ under electric field neutron diffraction at variable (low) temperatur...
Neutron diffraction experiments will be carried out on multiferroic ceramics. What is special about the measurements, is that they will be carried out under an applied electric... -
Demonstration of resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of dissimilar joints fo...
Approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0014 -
Magnetoelectric coupling in the multiferroic ceramic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3
The polycrystalline ceramic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 is both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic for a wide range of compositional space. We have shown in previous experiments that (1)... -
Debasement of Roman Silver coinage
The quality of ancient silver coinage is often seen as a comment on the fiscal health of the issuing states. This is nowhere more apparent than with Roman coinages, which...