5 datasets found

Keywords: internship

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  • BIBB Transition Study 2011

    Educational pathways of young adults, career biography, school achievement, choice of school, choice of occupation, family background, young people´s application behaviour,...
  • Entry Qualification of Young People

    Erfahrungen mit dem EQJ-Praktikum. Abbruchgründe. Übergang in eine Ausbildung direkt im Anschluss an das EQJ-Praktikum. Berufliche Situation. Integrierter Datensatz der drei...
  • Practical Training for Sociology Majors (Students Survey)

    Professional image and judgement on the practicality of practical training for sociology students. Topics: Reasons for taking up the study of sociology; attitude to sociology...
  • Practical Training for Sociology Majors (Assistents Survey)

    Attitude to sociology practical training from the view of assistents. Topics: Reasons for taking up the study of sociology and most important tasks of sociology; reasons to...
  • BIBB Transition Study 2006

    Bildungswege von jungen Erwachsenen, Berufsbiographie, Schulleistung, Schulwahl, Berufswahl, familiärer Hintergrund, Bewerbungsverhalten der Jugendlichen, berufliche...
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