145 datasets found

Keywords: income distribution

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  • ISSP 2009: Social Inequality IV: Finnish Data

    Tutkimus käsitteli suhtautumista yhteiskunnalliseen eriarvoisuuteen. Kysymykset ja väittämät käsittelivät mm. vastaajien suhtautumista työntekoon ja opiskeluun, mitä ihmiset...
  • ISSP 2019: Social Inequality V: Finnish Data

    Vuoden 2019 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) -aineisto käsitteli taloudellista eriarvoisuutta. Vastaajilta tiedusteltiin suhtautumista eri sosiaalisten ryhmien,...

    The SOECBIAS-COVREF data set is an output of two research projects: The interdisciplinary research project SOECBIAS, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs...
  • EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Winter 2018

    Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten arvoja ja asenteita. Tällä kertaa teemoina ovat tasavallan presidentin valtaoikeudet, tulonjako, robotiikan ja tekoälyn vaikutus työhön...
  • Finnish Views on the Future of Work in Digital Economy 2017

    Kyselytutkimuksen avulla kartoitettiin suomalaisten näkemyksiä työmarkkinoiden kehittymisestä lähitulevaisuudessa sekä siitä, millaisten yhteiskuntapoliittisten toimenpiteiden...
  • Terugdringing niet-gebruik Bijzondere Bijstand chronisch zieken, gehandicapte...

    Survey among municipalities in the Netherlands in order to obtain information about driving back non-use of special income support (Bijzondere Bijstand) for chronic patients,...
  • Data used to develop and validate the Justice Evaluation of the Income Distri...

    - Quota samples that reflect the heterogeneity of the adult population with regard to age, sex, and educational attainment Self-administered questionnaire:CASI(Computer-assisted...
  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Åsikter om ojämlikhet i Sverige 1991

    The survey deals with Swede's attitudes towards inequality. Questions asked are mainly taken from the 1987 'Social inequality' module of the International Social Survey Program...
  • Svensk levnadsstandard 1992

    This survey deals with the amount of material standard people consider as necessary, and to what extent the respondent lacks these necessities. The questionnaire was divided...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1968

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1977

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1978

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1979

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1980

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1981

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1982

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1983

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1984

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
  • SWIP - Inkomstpanelen 1985

    The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of...
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