Cenozoic TEX86-derived global SST compilation including new data from ODP/DSD...
Cenozoic global TEX86-derived sea surface temperature (SST) compilation from all published marine TEX86 records and new data measured in this study (ODP/DSDP Sites 516, 588,... -
d18O and paleoproxies from sediment core M77/2_024-5
This dataset includes δ 18O measurements, depth-age relationship, Uk'37 values, two records of ocean temperatures (alkenone and TEXH86), the difference between these two... -
(Appendix 3) GDGT concentrations per IPL fraction
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(Appendix 2) Bottom water oxygen concentrations, maximum residence time in th...
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(Table 3) Sea surface temperature (SST) proxy data and in situ SSTs calculate...
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New GDGT-based temperature calibration for the Southern Ocean
This is a collection of 137 sites (Lamping et al., 2021; Ho et al., 2014; Jaeschke et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2010) in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean south of the SAF,... -
Collection of GDGT-derived temperatures of 22 new sites at the Chilean margin...
This dataset contains 22 new sites at the Chilean margin to verify the functionality of common regional and global calibrations for GDGTs and potential depth habitat based on... -
Biomarker of sediment core LV53-19-1
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(S4) Isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (iGDGT) composition, TEX...
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(Table 3) Geochemical downcore analyses of sediment core GeoB18308-1
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Terrigenous input and sea surface temperatures in the Pacific sector of the S...
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UK'37, TEX86 and LDI indices, and temperature estimates for sediment core NAP...
Millennial-scale oscillations are known to be important in the climatic evolution of the Atlantic basin, but which internal processes originates these oscillations are still... -
TEX86 temperature proxies of Knapps Narrows sediment core from the Eastern Sh...
All GDGTs were analyzed using an Agilent 1290 infinity ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to an Agilent 6135 single quadrupole mass spectrometer, using... -
Sea surface temperature reconstruction from IODP Hole 350-U1437B
Sea surface temperature data based on the tetraether index based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers consisting of 86 carbon atoms (TEX86) and unsaturated ketone index... -
(Appendix 3) TEXH86 and BIT in sediment core TTR-17_434G
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(Appendix 3) TEXH86 and BIT in sediment core TTR-12_293G
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Biomarker composition of Mediterranean Sapropels
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(Table 1) Stable hydrogen and carbon isotopes of C37 alkenones during Termina...
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(Table 2) Stable hydrogen and carbon isotopes of C37 alkenones during Termina...
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Biomarker data of Core CB1 from the Cygnet Bay, north-western Australia
The sediment core was collected from a pearl aquaculture area, northwest Australia using a push corer by SCUBA divers in 2011. After collections, the core was sectioned into...