Short-term experiment (7 days) with nine Chaetoceros affinis genotypes at sev...
Measurements of cell size and cell density in a short-term experiment (7 days) of nine Chaetoceros affinis genotypes (http://roscoff-culture-collection.org/; B63: RCC6347, B67:... -
Long-term experiment (182 days) with the phytoplankton species Chaetoceros af...
Measurements of cell size, cell density, and nutrient concentration in a long-term experiment (182 days) with the marine phytoplankton species Chaetoceros affinis and Emiliania... -
Swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise ...
This dataset contains the values of swim bladder length, height, width, angle, volume, equivalent spherical radius and aspect ratio in Cyclothone spp. measured during the... -
Otolith measurements for the comparison of two species of sciaenid fishes, At...
Morphometric data were collected and meristic counts taken from up to 33 museum-vouchered specimens of Atractoscion aequidens, sampled from South African coastal waters, and 52... -
Results of calcein staining with three different concentrations and immersion...
Chemical dyes, such as Calcein, can be used to create incremental markings for measuring bivalve growth in shell cross-sections. For the European Oyster Ostrea edulis, potential... -
Lipid biomarkers of the Govone section
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(Table S7) Zircon ages of organic-rich Eagle Ford Group, Shell_DR-13
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Ichthyolith (tooth and denticle) counts from sediment core Gubbio
These ichthyolith counts were collected as part of a prior study, however were lumped as all ichthyoliths >38 µm: Sibert et al. (2014). Here we report the ichthyoliths and... -
Ichthyolith counts and MAR at Gubbio outcrop
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in mbsf. All Ichthyolith counts were collected as part of this study. The primary age model was developed using biostratigraphic and... -
Age model of Gubbio outcrop
Tie points for foraminifera, nannofossil, and magnetochrons from (respectively): Premoli Silva (1977), Monechi and Thierstein (1985), Lowrie and Alvarez (1977). -
(Table S1) He isotope ratios from Bottaccione Gorge
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Calanus spp. and Metridia spp. size and lipid content metrics in the Northwes...
Measurements of body size (prosome length), dry weight, and lipid content (oil sac area and volume) in wild-caught copepods were compiled from multiple studies conducted in the... -
Morphology of Pecten maximus and incubation time
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Description of geological profile at Clausberg
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Description of geological profile at Helmscherode
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Description of geological profile at Gehrenrode
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Stable isotope composition of the Early–Middle Eocene limestone in the Crimea...
Stable isotope compositions of the Early-Middle Eocene limestone were studied in the Prolom quarry (45.105°N; 34.736°E). Samples were collected across a 25 m-thick bed, at 1 m... -
Cheilanthane ratios in Mesoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic rocks
This data set contains values on the cheilanthane (tricyclic terpenoids) ratios of C22/C21 and C24/23 from Mesoproterozoic to Silurian rocks of global distribution. Lipid... -
Stone pine cone production in Portuguese plots from 2004 to 2007
This database concerns stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production per tree obtained from 61 Portuguese permanent plots during three production periods (2004/05, 2005/06 and... -
Length and width measurements of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis valves from sedi...
Light microscopy analysis of diatom frustules is widely used in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental...