Slovenian Twitter hate speech dataset IMSyPP-sl
A hand-labeled training (50,000 tweets labeled twice) and evaluation set (10,000 tweets labeled twice) for hate speech on Slovenian Twitter. The data files contain tweet IDs,... -
Offensive language dataset of French comments FRENK-fr 1.0
The FRENK-fr dataset contains French socially unacceptable and acceptable comments posted in response to news articles that cover the topics of LGBT and migrants, and which were... -
Offensive language dataset of Croatian, English and Slovenian comments FRENK 1.0
The FRENK dataset consists of comments to Facebook posts (news articles) of mainstream media outlets from Croatia, Great Britain, and Slovenia, on the topics of migrants and... -
Slovenian Twitter dataset 2018-2020 1.0
The dataset represents the Twitter production in Slovenian in the period from 2018 until 2020. It consists of tweet IDs, retweet IDs, pseudo-anonymized user IDs, publication... -
Italian YouTube Hate Speech Corpus
We present an Italian YouTube dataset manually annotated for hate speech types and targets. The comments to be annotated were sampled from the Italian YouTube comments on videos... -
Facebook metadata dataset LiLaH-HAG
The LiLaH-HAG dataset (HAG is short for hate-age-gender) consists of metadata on Facebook comments to Facebook posts of mainstream media in Great Britain, Flanders, Slovenia and... -
Offensive language dataset of Croatian, English and Slovenian comments FRENK 1.1
The FRENK dataset consists of comments to Facebook posts (news articles) of mainstream media outlets from Croatia, Great Britain, and Slovenia, on the topics of migrants and... -
English YouTube Hate Speech Corpus
We present an English YouTube dataset manually annotated for hate speech types and targets. The comments to be annotated were sampled from the English YouTube comments on videos... -
Vihapuheesta tuomitut Perussuomalaiset poliitikot: lehtiaineisto 2016-2017
Aineisto koostuu Helsingin Sanomien ja Ylen uutisoinnista liittyen kolmen perussuomalaisen poliitikon (Teuvo Hakkarainen, Sebastian Tynkkynen ja Terhi Kiemunki) saamiin...