Sportieve recreatie door lichamelijk gehandicapten 1981-1982
Study on the impact of sport on the well-being of disabled persons. Phase I: description of r's physical handicap / to what extent is r.'s handicap an obstacle for functioning... -
Beeld en gebruik van kruisverenigingen 1972
The cross organizations / use of the services of the organizations / evaluation of the maternity nurse / visiting the health service with young child / evaluation of the health... -
Evaluatie beroepsopleidingen gehandicapten 1981-1983
Evaluation study of two experimental vocational training- courses for handicapped people. Handicap / educational career / professional career / job problems caused by handicap /... -
Werken met mensen voor mensen 1975
Expectations and motivations regarding working situation with pupils who are mentally handicapped / attitude to these pupils. Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Arbeidsmarktgedrag van werklozen 1968
Perception of the situation / optimism versus pessimism / taking initiatives / unemployment history / family situation and social control / occupational history / financial... -
Kinderen met epilepsie 1976-1981
The impact of an epileptic child on family life. P0847a: both father and mother of epileptic child interviewed: medical history of child, detailed descriptions of epileptic... -
Faktoranalyse 1974-1975 : Vaardigheidscursus data-analyse
A course on data analysis/ in particular factor analysis. For secondary analysis the datasets of two different surveys are used. One of these is also completely stored at... -
Doofblindheid in Nederland 1990-1991
Determining the occurrence of deaf-blindness in the Netherlands and description of the deaf-blind population / Epidemiology and aetiology of deaf-blindness / Side - handicaps /... -
Begeleiding van ouders van geestelijk gehandicapte kinderen 1976
Reaction of parents upon discovery that child was mentally handicapped / contacts with institutes / how were parents, mother informed / content of first talk about child's... -
Loopbaan en herkomst van maatschappelijk gesteunden 1953
Reasons for receiving benefits for illness, unemployment / occupational and educational history of respondent and family members / social, religious and geographical background.... -
Verplaatsingsgedrag en verplaatsingsbehoefte bij gehandicapten 1979
Mobility of handicapped people who cannot make use of public transport on their own. Actual transport behaviour / means, purpose, length, costs, destination of moving /... -
Inventarisatie ernstig probleemgedrag bij geestelijk gehandicapten 1990
Inventory of magnitude of problematic behaviour and the applied corrective measures. classification of PIGG ( Patient registration Intramural Care of mentally handicapped ) *... -
Doorstroming in de intramurale zwakzinnigenzorg 1969
Description of population of institutions for mentally handicapped: age, sex, place of birth, kind of handicap, age of admission to institution, type of institution, multiple... -
Obstakels voor gehandicapte Hagenaars 1973
Different ways of going outdoors / with or without help of other people / problems with traffic, visits to department stores, shopping in neighbourhood, exposure to sports and... -
Open het dorp 1962 : Marathon radio en tv campagne
Recording of contents of tv program / people appearing in program / motives for gifts charity, solidarity, imitation, feelings of guilt etc. / numbers of minutes of presentation... -
Visually handicapped people 1980
To determine expectations of and opinions on Bartimeus. Social functioning of former residents of Bartimeus as evaluation of institute's policy. Details on visual handicap /... -
Gehandicapten wel geteld 1971
Nature of handicap / medical care and facilities / organizations for the handicapped / housing situation / traffic / public transportation / accessibility of buildings / leisure... -
Attitudes van maatschappelijk gehandikapten 1981
Differences in mentality of long-staying psychiatric patients and half way home-inhabitants and homeless men / distinguishing of subgroups. Scale items for balance,... -
Psychosociale hulpverlening aan demente ouderen 1987
Effectiveness of a psychomotor group therapy for patients with Alzheimer Syndrome Cognitive and social performance, coping with invalidity, the missing home emotions, self... -
Psychosociale stress en langdurige arbeidsongeschiktheid 1975-1977
The influence of psychosocial stress, personal factors, environmental factors and nature of illness on prolonged absence from work/ which factors either prolonged or reduced the...