305 datasets found

Keywords: gravitational lensing

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  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Ed.)

    This catalogue is a compilation of all known AGNs presented in a compact and convenient form. It is an update of the previous versions; and as in the previous editions no...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (12th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions; as in the previous editions no information about absorption lines of X-ray properties are given, but absolute magnitudes...
  • SuGOHI VIII. Lens candidates

    We conduct a search for galaxy-scale strong gravitational lens systems in Data Release 4 of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC SSP), consisting of data taken up...
  • Brightest galaxies in Planck clusters

    We combine the Planck-SZ2 galaxy cluster catalogue with near-infrared photometry of galaxies from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey to identify candidate brightest cluster galaxies...
  • New lens candidates from GaSNets

    With the advent of new spectroscopic surveys from ground and space, observing up to hundreds of millions of galaxies, spectra classification will become overwhelming for...
  • Strong galaxy-galaxy lensing in SDSS-III BOSS

    Strong lensing is one of the most spectacular views in the universe. Many cosmological applications have been proposed, but the number of such lensing systems is still limited....
  • H-ATLAS DR3 NIR counterparts in SGP field

    In this paper, we present the third data release (DR3) of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS). We identify likely near- infrared counterparts to...
  • Microlensing events in VVV light curves

    The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey and its extension have been monitoring about 560 deg^2^ of sky centred on the Galactic bulge and inner disc for nearly a...
  • Lya-UV Offsets in Galaxies at z~6

    We study the projected spatial offset between the ultraviolet continuum and Lya emission for 65 lensed and unlensed galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization 5<=z<=7, the...
  • Galaxies at z=1-3 lensed by six HFF clusters

    We measure the size-mass relation and its evolution between redshifts 1<z<3, using galaxies lensed by six foreground Hubble Frontier Fields clusters. The power afforded by...
  • Lyman-{alpha} emitters lensed by galaxies

    We introduce the LEnSed laeS in the Eboss suRvey (LESSER) project, which aims to search for lensed Lyman-{alpha} emitters (LAEs) in the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic...
  • Gaia DR2 predictions of microlensing events

    Precision astrometry from the second Gaia data release has allowed astronomers to predict 5787 microlensing events, with 528 of these having maximums within the extended Gaia...
  • Strong-lensing systems for dark energy models

    Inspired by a new compilation of strong-lensing systems, which consist of 204 points in the redshift range 0.0625<z_l_<0.958 for the lens and 0.196<z_s_<3.595 for...
  • Lenses DES J0408-5354 and WGD 2038-4008

    tn time-delay cosmography, three of the key ingredients are (1) determining the velocity dispersion of the lensing galaxy, (2) identifying galaxies and groups along the line of...
  • SuGOHI. V. Group-to-cluster scale lens search

    We report the largest sample of candidate strong gravitational lenses belonging to the Survey of Gravitationally lensed Objects in HSC Imaging for group-to-cluster scale...
  • A search for the lenses in the HerBS sample

    Verifying that sub-mm galaxies are gravitationally lensed requires time-expensive observations with oversubscribed high-resolution observatories. Here, we aim to strengthen the...
  • The KLEVER Survey: metallicity maps and gradients

    We present near-infrared observations of 42 gravitationally lensed galaxies obtained in the framework of the KMOS Lensed Emission Lines and VElocity Review (KLEVER) Survey, a...
  • Magnifications in the Hubble Frontier Fields

    Cluster lensing has become an important tool in the search for high-redshift galaxies through its ability to magnify sources. In order to determine the intrinsic properties of...
  • Galaxies and groups around the WFI 2033-4723 lens

    Galaxies and galaxy groups located along the line of sight towards gravitationally lensed quasars produce high-order perturbations of the gravitational potential at the lens...
  • Galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing sample

    By comparing the dynamical and lensing masses of early-type lens galaxies, one can constrain both the cosmological parameters and the density profiles of galaxies. We explore...
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