RF-mSR study of high-Ge Si1-xGex alloys
Single crystal, bulk Si1-xGex alloys are available across the alloy composition range, and provide opportunity for study of alloy properties in transition between the two... -
Muonium Defect Levels in 4H Silicon Carbide
We propose to obtain the temperature dependence of the diamagnetic spin-precession amplitudes up to 1100 K for the three electrical types of 4H-SiC in order to extract the Mu... -
diffuse scattering in PMN-PT crystals
Complex mixed-ion pervoskites, ferroelectric material (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3, attract plenty of applications due to high piezoelectric response. The difficulties result... -
In vivo study of phase transformation in superelastic orthodontic archwires d...
The success of an orthodontic treatment highly depends on appropriate archwire selection as well as a clinician's ability to predict response during treatment. Precise knowledge...