Kognitiivinen ja affektiivinen empatia diktaattoripelissä 2018-2019
Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kahdesta osasta, ensimmäinen on koottu kyselyillä ja toinen päätöksentekolaboratoriossa yhden kierroksen diktaattoripeli-koeasetelmalla. Se kartoittaa... -
Datensatz, Code/Syntax: Äquivalente Reziprozität oder Vorteilsuche?
In der Studie wird experimentell geprüft, in welchem Ausmaß in Situationen ohne soziale Kontrolle äquivalent reziprok geteilt wird. Dabei wird auch die Verwendung des Konzepts... -
R language Dynamic game theory code for Chevalier et al. manuscript in Americ...
The present dataset includes three main items. The first item is the code of the model used in Chevalier et al. 2020, published in American Naturalist. It can be run in R... -
Replication data for: A game theoretic analysis of research data sharing Mod...
The R-scripts and data in this study can be used to reproduce figures in the associated paper, which is based on a simulation of a scientific community. Model description: We... -
Data publication: Code for performing simulations on the evolutionary stabili...
This is the supplementary material for the submission of "Heterogenous and continuous resource distribution promote diversity in territorial behavior." to the journal...