Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs record from sediment core Razdolye, Kursk reg...
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Pollen composition of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Patagonia
To process the pollen and macro-charcoal from the sediment samples, we followed Bennett and Willis (2002), and Withlock and Larsen (2002) protocols. We took 176 pollen samples... -
Pollen and macro-charcoal analysis of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Pata...
We present palaeoecological records of pollen and macro-charcoal particles used to reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Araucaria araucana forest close to the... -
Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, LOI, micro- and macrocharcoal and C14 record...
The dataset represent pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, LOI, micro- and macrocharcoal and C14 records from core Razdolye, Kursk region, Russia. The core Razdolye was collected in... -
Age determination of sediment core Razdolye, Kursk region, Russia
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LOI record from sediment core Razdolye, Kursk region, Russia
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Charcoal record from sediment core Razdolye, Kursk region, Russia
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Macro-charcoal analysis of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Patagonia
We extracted sub-samples of one cubic centimetre contiguously every centimetre of the sediment core and sieved them in a 125 µm mesh. We counted the charcoal particles in a...