Uporaba mobilnih aplikacij za oglede spomenikov kulturne dediščine, 2020
V zunanjem okolju so spomeniki kulturne dediščine izpostavljeni več naravnim in antropogenim dejavnikom, ki povzročajo njihovo deterioracijo. Naraščajoča urbanizacija in... -
Data from: Breeding by intervening: Exploring the role of associations and de...
New breeding techniques may play an important role in improving food quality, global food security, and sustainability. Previous breeding techniques have, however, met with... -
Factors influencing the implementation of Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation: p...
Semi-structured focus groups were conducted to explore the perspectives of health and social care professionals involved in stroke rehabilitation. Directed content analysis was... -
Supplementary data for: On the European bison’s rewilding hooves: how to visu...
Supplementary material distributed to focus group participants before each session, to have a document to make notes on and to refer to different parts of the visuals being...