Population productivity (number of nests, eggs, chicks and fledglings) of tw...
This data set describes the population dynamics of Wilson's Storm Petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) at King George Island (Islas 25 de Mayo, Antarctica) over a forty year period... -
Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0029
De geïnterviewde vertelt in dit interview over zijn belevenissen als handelaar in eieren in Amsterdam en over de relatie met de bekende Joodse familie Frijda uit Amsterdam. Hij... -
Anansi Masters - Curacao G14 - Eleonora, Calviany - Nanzi collects eggs
Nanzi collects eggs told by Calviany Eleonora, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project in Curacao. Subject: Never be greedy. Description: Nanzi steals eggs from Snake.... -
Effects of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax culture supernatants on the hatching r...
The hatching rate success of Acartia tonsa eggs exposed to cell-free supernatants of three strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax was assessed. This dataset contains the count... -
Zooplankton abundance measured on multinet samples during POLARSTERN cruise A...
Zooplankton was collected along five transects starting from the Laptev Sea continental shelf over the shelf break into the deep Eastern Nansen and Amundsen Basins . Sampling... -
Time series of zooplankton abundance at station L4 in the English Channel in ...
Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50m) to the surface and stored in 5% formalin. Find more... -
Time series of zooplankton abundance at station L4 in the English Channel in ...
Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50m) to the surface and stored in 5% formalin. Find more... -
Time series of zooplankton abundance at station L4 in the English Channel in ...
Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50m) to the surface and stored in 5% formalin. Find more... -
Time series of zooplankton abundance at station L4 in the English Channel fro...
Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50m) to the surface and stored in 5% formalin. Find more... -
Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during HEINCKE cruise HE181
Weighted mean depth calculated with OST -
Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during ALKOR cruise AL220/2
Weighted mean depth calculated with OST -
Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during ALKOR cruise AL217
Weighted mean depth calculated with OST -
Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during ALKOR cruise AL200/2
Weighted mean depth calculated with OST -
Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during ALKOR cruise AL200/1
Weighted mean depth calculated with OST -
Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during HEINCKE cruise HE174, Part 2
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Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during R/V Poseidon cruise POS324...
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during HEINCKE cruise HE228, Part 2
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during HEINCKE cruise HE225, Part 2
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during HEINCKE cruise HE211/2, Pa...
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton abundance from multi net trawls during HEINCKE cruise HE211/1, Pa...
This dataset has no description