Environmental DNA analysis of cephalopods off the Azores
Fundamental insight on predator-prey dynamics in the deep sea is hampered by a lack of combined data on hunting behavior and prey spectra. Deep-sea niche segregation may evolve... -
ATLAS - Advanced ecosysTem monitoring in ecoLogicAl obServatory
This pilot project aimed at setting a baseline of eDNA integration with other techniques/end users communities, that can be applied on fixed monitoring points such as cabled... -
Dataset - Monitoring marine mammals around Réunion Island (southwest Indian O...
The deposited genetic data were obtained from environmental DNA (eDNA) samples collected around Réunion Island in the southwest Indian Ocean between May 2018 and June 2019.... -
Strategy for Successful Integration of eDNA-based Methods in Aquatic Monitoring
Recent developments in the use of environmental DNA are opening up new horizons for the assessment of the quality of aquatic environments. These rapid and cost-effective methods... -
SEASAM2023 : estimating fish diversity and abundance through environmental DN...
The dataset consists of information on fish abundance (qPCR data) and diversity (HTS metabarcoding) measured through environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling. eDNA samples were... -
Metabarcoding Invertebrate communities in a natural park
Library Preparation strategy and detailed information of laboratory workflow used for the analysis of soil and insect bulk samples via metabarcoding -
eDNA meetodi väljaarendamine (krüptiliste) võõrliikide varajaseks tuvastamise...
Läänemere seire üldine eesmärk on hinnata looduslike ja inimtekkeliste survetegurite mõju ja ulatust Läänemere keskkonnale ja elustikule. Mereseire allprogrammi rannikumere...