Background Data for: UAV Icing: Aerodynamic Degradation Caused by Intercycle ...
This dataset contains geometries, simulations results, and experimental results used in the paper "UAV Icing: Aerodynamic Degradation Caused by Intercycle and Runback Ice". The... -
Drone-based mapping of Gruvefjellet in Spring and Summer for cornice risk ass...
This dataset relates to a drone mapping campain on Gruvefjellet in Svalbard during 2022. Two campains were conducted, one in spring and one in summer. The objective of the... -
Dataset of aerial drift measurements of drone spraying on the EoleDrift artif...
Dans le cadre du projet PULVEDRONE, l’UMT EcoTech a mis en place des essais avec pour objectifs (i) d’évaluer les facteurs influençant le niveau de dérive aérienne lors d’une... -
Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System: Drone seafloor photomosaics (July/Se...
Drone photomosaics of the seafloor at the shallow-water Milos hydrothermal system. Photomosaics were acquired with a Phantom and a Mavic Pro drone. Images were acquired in July...