Aspergillus flavus IFM59894
Draft genome sequencing of Aspergillus flavus IFM59894 clinically isolated from abdominal drain in Japan and comparison with other strains. -
Extended river flow and water level records from 1939-2021 for 8 arterially d...
Extended hydrometric (absolute water level and river flow) records produced via data rescue are presented for eight Irish catchments subject to arterial drainage. Records cover... -
Environmental variables measured across peatland drainage gradients in Minnes...
Data were collected to investigate the effect of a century-long drainage on soil fungal communities. We selected three acidic, nutrient-poor peatlands in Minnesota adjacent to... -
Paradigmenwechsel im Umgang mit dem Regenwasser in wachsenden Städten
Die bestehenden Infrastrukturen von Städten und Kommunen unterliegen einem permanenten Entwicklungsund Veränderungsprozess. Treiber dafür sind in Hamburg das...