Probing the mechanism of thermoelectric enhancement in Kondo insulator YbB12 ...
We propose to study the evolution of the spectral features in the dynamical magnetic response in series Yb_{1-x}Tm_{x}B_{12} (x=0.15, 0.6, 0.8). Tm doping results in non-trivial... -
Understanding anaesthetics: Ethanol partitioning into lipid membranes, effect...
Ethanol plays an important role in the human metabolism. It is in particular known to act as a drug enhancer by increasing trans-membrane permeability, and as an anesthetic.... -
Study of a spin gap and CEF excitations in the caged compounds CeT2Al10 (T=Fe...
This proposal was submitted on MERLIN (RB1010206) and beam time was allocated on MARI. We have carried out low energy measurements on MARI and found a clear evidence of the spin... -
Membrane interactions of a viral scission protein
Influenza virus is a pathogen of great medical importance that causes seasonal epidemics and sporadic pandemics. Among the least understood events of the influenza virus...