Aufweichen, abbremsen, abschirmen – Wirtschaftsmetaphern zwischen politischer...
Our study examines the use of metaphors in the German discourse regarding European monetary and fiscal policy. Though this policy area sparked considerable interest among... -
WUT Relations Between Sentences Corpus
WUT Relations Between Sentences Corpus contains 2827 pairs of related sentences. Relationships are derived from Cross-document Structure Theory (CST), which enables... -
Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)
In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this... -
Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)
In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this... -
Global risk and uncertainty. Documentary analysis of the COVID-19 state of em...
During the pandemic emergency, several communicative artifacts have been produced. These language practices adhered to the crisis risk communication strategies. Within the... -
Aufweichen, abbremsen, abschirmen – Wirtschaftsmetaphern zwischen politischer...
Our study examines the use of metaphors in the German discourse regarding European monetary and fiscal policy. Though this policy area sparked considerable interest among... -
Fragebogen, Interviewleitfaden und zusätzliche Forschungsdaten zur Dissertati...
Die Arbeit aus dem Bereich der fremdsprachlichen Lehrerbildung untersucht virtuelle Aufgabenbearbeitung in mehrsprachigen Gruppen in einem universitären binationalen...