(Table 6) Radiocarbon data from planktic foraminifera from sediment core MD02...
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Global marine radiocarbon data compilation for the last deglaciation
Compiled marine radiocarbon data from the global ocean, derived from planktonic/benthic foraminifera and corals, spanning the last deglaciation, with associated calendar ages... -
(Supplementary Table S2) Compiled radiocarbon data. Planktic and benthic radi...
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WAIS Divide Deep ice core 0-68 ka WD2014 chronology
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide deep ice core WD2014 chronology, consisting of ice age, gas age, delta-age and uncertainties therein. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet... -
Radiocarbon age offsets between mixed benthics and planktic foraminifera in s...
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Radiocarbon ages of both, the leachate and the leached sample, of monospecifi...
Radiocarbon ages and associated 1-σ confidence level (68.2% probability), and corresponding age discrepancies. * Stands for untreated samples. Numbers marked with # indicate age... -
Radiocarbon ages of monospecific samples of Globigerina bulloides from sedime...
Influence of the sample preparation method on radiocarbon ages. 14C ages and associated 1-σ confidence level (68.2% probability), and corresponding age discrepancies. Age... -
(Table 6) Comparison of radiocarbon ages for Globigerinoides saccullifer shel...
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(Table 5) Radiocarbon ages on coexisting planktonic foraminifera from sedimen...
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(Table 5) Radiocarbon ages on coexisting planktonic foraminifera from sedimen...
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(Table 1) AMS-14C ages determined in pairs of spreiten and directly adjacent ...
he downward transport of surface sediment deep into the sediment column by the Zoophycos-producing animal leads not only to large age differences between the Zoophycos structure... -
Delta age in ice cores from Larsen blue ice area, East Antarctica
Blue ice areas (BIAs) have several advantages for reconstructing past climate. However, the complicated ice flow in the areas hinders constraining the age. We apply... -
(Table 2) Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores PG1430 and PG1433, Peterson Inle...
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(Table 2) Age determination of bulk fraction of sediment core MD99-2201
PMC (corrected) is the proportion of modern (1950 AD) carbon (%), corrected with the d13C value for mass fractionation. -
(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core RAPiD-15-4P
Radiocarbon ages were converted to calendar ages using Calib 5.1 IntCal (Reimer et al., 2004). Years B.P., years before A.D. 1950. By using the assigned stratigraphic age... -
(Table S2) Age determination of sediment core MD07-3076, benthic foraminifera
Measuerd on mixed benthic foraminifera. -
(Table 4) Radiocarbon analysis, coralline algae and microbialites from Papeet...
Coralline algae and microbialites samples have been dated by radiocarbon AMS at the MALT (University of Tokyo, Japan) and coral samples have been dated by radiocarbon AMS at... -
(Table 3) Age analysis and aragonite content from different IODP Holes from E...
Coralline algae and microbialites samples have been dated by radiocarbon AMS at the MALT (University of Tokyo, Japan) and most of the corals samples have been dated by... -
(Table 2) Age analysis and aragonite content from different IODP Holes from E...
The microbialites are calculated from the midpoint of the 1 sigma range of both raw 14C ages. Coralline algae and microbialites samples have been dated by radiocarbon AMS at the... -
(Table 4.2) Radiocarbon datings of postglacial deposits from the Barents Sea
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