Chironomidae whole or half head capsules counts in sediment core Haem13 from ...
This dataset provides counts of chironomid head capsules for the Lateglacial sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Hämelsee (Germany) in 2013. Counts per taxon are presented... -
Stable water isotope data 2021-2023 from Lobor village (near Zlatar town)
Measured values of δ18O and δ2H, associated d-excess values, and amount of collected precipitation from Lobor village, near Zlatar town The precipitation collector has been... -
Stable water isotope data 2021-2023 from Hrvatsko Žarište village (near Vojni...
Measured values of δ18O and δ2H, associated d-excess values, and amount of collected precipitation from Hrvatsko Žarište village, near Vojnić town The precipitation collector... -
Stable water isotope data 2021-2023 from Petrov vrh (Daruvar)
Measured values of δ18O and δ2H, associated d-excess values, and amount of collected precipitation from Petrov vrh (Daruvar) The precipitation collector has been installed on... -
Results of AMS dating of massive ice in northern Canada and Yamal Peninsula
Radiocarbon dating of micro-inclusions of organic material extracted directly from massive ice samples was carried out at the Laboratory of Radiocarbon Dating and Electron... -
δ¹⁸O in ice wedges of northern Chukotka and paleotemperature during the Late ...
The values of δ18О in the ice wedges of northern Chukotka and paleotemperature characteristics during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Winter mean (twint.mean) and January... -
δ¹⁸O in the ice veinlets of modern syngenetic ice wedges on Ayon Island, nort...
Values of δ18O in the ice veinlets of modern syngenetic ice wedges on Ayon Island, in northern Chukotka and on the neighboring islands of Eastern Arctic of Russia, according to... -
δ¹⁸O composition of ice wedges from Ayon Island and paleotemperature reconstr...
Syngenetic ice wedges have been investigated on Ayon Island. Their isotope composition and the geochemical characteristics of both ice wedges and enclosing sediments have been... -
Stable isotope (δ18О, δ2H and dexc) minimum, mean, and maximum values for mas...
Stable oxygen and hydrogen compositions in ice were analyzed in the stable isotope laboratory of the Faculty of Geography at Lomonosov Moscow State University using a Finnigan... -
AMS radiocarbon ages of three massive ice bodies on the coast of Mechigmen Ba...
Radiocarbon dating of micro-inclusions of organic material extracted directly from massive ice samples was carried out at the Laboratory of Radiocarbon Dating and Electron... -
δ¹⁸O in ice wedges of yedoma deposits and Late Pleistocene paleotemperatures ...
δ¹⁸O in ice wedges of yedoma deposits in Chukchi Peninsula and Late Pleistocene paleotemperatures, 38–12 Kyr BP.Winter mean (twint.mean) and January (tJ) air temperature means... -
δ¹⁸O in present growing syngenetic ice wedges in southern Chukchi Peninsula
Winter mean (twint.mean) and January (tJ) air temperature means for the Southern Chukchi Peninsula were inferred by comparing the oxygen isotope composition of present growing... -
δ²H in ice wedge, sand wedge, massive and pore ice at Rogozhny Cape, northern...
δ²H in ice wedge (IW), sand wedge (SIW), massive (MI) and pore (PI) ice at Rogozhny Cape, northern coast of Onemen Gulf, 25 km from Anadyr Town. -
δ¹⁸O, δ²H, deuterium excess and protease activity of Mikhail hill, vicinity o...
δ¹⁸O, δ²H, deuterium excess (dexc), and protease activity (PA) in snowpacks at different elevations of Mikhail hill, vicinity of Anadyr Town, Chukchi Peninsula -
δ¹⁸O in ice wedge and pore ice from vicinity of Anadyr Town
Major ions and dissolved salts in syngenetic ice wedges in the 25–30 m thick Late Pleistocene Ledovy Obryv yedoma and the 60-m thick Ust'-Algan Obryv yedoma. -
Major ions and dissolved salts in syngenetic ice wedges from Ledovy Obryv and...
Major ions and dissolved salts in syngenetic ice wedges in the 25–30 m thick Late Pleistocene Ledovy Obryv yedoma and the 60-m thick Ust'-Algan Obryv yedoma. Analysis of major... -
δ¹⁸O variations in ice wedge and pore ice from Ledovy Obryv and Ust'-Algan ou...
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AMS radiocarbon dating (22-27 cal Ka BP) of massive ice on the coast of Mechi...
Field studies of the Eastern Chukotka's massive ice carried out in 2016, 2017, and 2020. The three key sites of the studied massive ice bodies are located on the coast of... -
Analysis of the late Pleistocene cyclic ice wedge complexes in the Mayn River...
We studied the structure and composition of Late Pleistocene cyclic ice wedge complexes in the Mayn River Valley and syngenetic ice wedges in adjacent areas of the Southern... -
δDeuterium measurements of selected n-alkanes (corrected to the VSMOW scale) ...
This dataset provides delta-Deuterium data for the Lateglacial sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Hämelsee (Germany) in 2013. Compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratios...